Antis Triantafyllides & Sons LLC facilitated the implementation of the strategic partnership between Omnam Group and Mohari Hospitality
Antis Triantafyllides & Sons LLC facilitated the implementation of the strategic partnership between Omnam Group and Mohari Hospitality
Our firm has acted as a local advisor to Omnam Group and facilitated the successful implementation of the strategic partnership between Omnam Group and Mohari Hospitality. This transaction was aimed at expanding and accelerating the development in lifestyle and luxury hospitality, food and beverage and leisure throughout Europe.
Omnam Group, founded in 2011 with its headquarters in London, is a global real estate development and investment firm with a portfolio of projects in Italy, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and others besides.
Our firm attended to all Cyprus law corporate matters in connection with the transaction.
Our firm’s team was led by the managing partner of the firm, Stelios Triantafyllides, along with associates Marios Hadjigavriel, Elena Bryukhnova, Vasiliki Triantafyllides and Dina Kanga.